Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My stock pile

Okay folks... it's time to tell you what my stock pile consists of....

8 tubes of toothpaste
5 bottles of shampoo
QUITE a bit of TP :)
6 bottles of detergent
3 bottles of fabric softener
3 boxes of tampons
2 boxes of pads
3 boxes of panty liners
2 toothbrushes
1 box of fabric softner sheets
3 bottles of mens shaving cream(for the hubs of course)
2 bottles of mens deo
2 bottles of womens deo
3 bottles of body wash
2 packages of razors

Okay so I KNOW it sounds like a lot. BUT... it's all fitting on a shelf above the washer and dryer. It all fits up there so NO... i won't be on HOARDERS next month :)

I'm done for now... I have one more coupon for face wash that saves me about $4 dollars off of what I typically pay and then I am done for 2 months.

DID YOU HEAR ME? I am done for 2 months. I'm not couponing and saving money at the Grocery store but my "household/beauty" stock pile is now complete. For now... I've had to realize that there will ALWAYS be good deals. I never want to pass up a good deal. No one does. But i've got stocked up the items that I always dreaded spending money on.

I've said it before but i'll say it again. I used to run to the store to pick up some shampoo, facewash, some tp--and leave spending $20 bucks. Thats more than I have invested in my "stock pile" currently!!! I made a lot of mistakes... but I don't want to make the mistake of having TOO much.

I do believe that you should NOT stock up, then use it all up, then stock up, then use it up... you should always have about the same amount of items on hand. also shouldn't buy them faster than you can use them. (to an extent...obviously a stock pile is used for saving up so that you don't run out)

So ladies and gentlemen... tomorrow is the LAST day of the month which means that tomorrow is the LAST day that I will work on my stock pile for 2 months. And at the end of the 2 months I will still have plenty.

You have to pace yourself. I jumped in head first!! I wanted to save money, wanted to get some good deals and I DID! I have saved all of my reciepts and I JUST discovered that i have managed to obtain quite a few months (I'm guessing 5) of a stock pile of household/beauty items and I have spent less thean $20 dollars out of pocket.


What about you? how are YOU doing?

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