Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Dressing frugally...or just down right cheap!

Alright its time to get to the things that women WANT to hear... dressing on a budget! It can be tough but I have found it to be simple and quite fun!

I have never had the luxury of going to any store and buying whatever clothes I wanted. From a young age I knew to look for the sale racks and dig through there because buying something that was NOT on sale was probably not going to happen. I THANK my mom for teaching me this at an early age. Much easier to have spent your entire life shopping that way then having to learn it out of necessity at an older age. (Hard to teach old dogs new tricks). So with always shopping for things on sale and understanding how to stretch a dollar from a very early age, shopping has always been FUN to me but it's also been the time to DIG for that best bargain.

I've always wanted to be able to go to the mall and know that money was no object. That I could just spend and spend and spend! But... the truth is i'm way too far gone for that. Jere suprised me with a shopping spree a few months ago. I had quite a bit of cash in my pocket to go buy whatever. He BEGGED me not to make price an object and just to buy whatever but i still caught myself going to sale racks, looking at the tags, asking if they had instore coupons and so on! And though I worried Jere would be mad he actually was impressed. I managed to buy myself two pairs of shoes, a shirt, curtains and a curtain rod, a picture frame that I ended up dressing up and giving to my parents for Christmas, a cute picture frame for our house (Which I will show you later), a pair of earrings AND... I came home with $72.00 in my pocket. Jere had given me $200 to spend on ME...and I came home with enough to get my oil changed, buy Ava a few things at the consignment shop, treat her to a new dinosaur from Tuesday morning and still have a little blow money left!

My point... it CAN be done. You can have NICE things, cute clothes, awesome accessories, a well decorated home and NOT have to take out a second mortgage!!!!

Back to dressing frugally... it takes practice. It takes the ability to look at a shirt that you may not be in LOVE with and think about all that you could wear it with, what you could do to jazz it up... if the shirt is kinda cute and its only $2.00...YOU BUY IT! And you got home and empty our your tank top drawer, empty out your stash of necklaces and you play dress up!

The shirt-dress thing I have on today I bought at our local Goodwill store. It still had a price tag on it. It's not the cutest thing ever. But it works. It's different, a funky pattern and something that I won't be wearing a LOT but it's a fun piece to break up the monotoity of black pants and black shirts. :)

My husband took the pic for me. He chopped my head off and somehow managed to get the trashcan in the picture but, well, you get the idea. :)

1 comment:

Diana Hampo said...

I love the new blog lay out!

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