Saturday, February 26, 2011

Clothes swapping party!

I'm excited to announce that in just a few short weeks I am attending my first "clothes swapping party"! My friend Rachel got the idea and now i'm addicted to the idea. You could probably have a jewelry swap party, dishes, kids clothes, toys, Christmas decorations... like I am may be all over this :)

Anyway, ours is "Lucky 13" so you have to bring 13 items. I don't have the email in front of me but I want to say a purse, one piece of jewelry, 2 shirts, 1 skirt... and so on. What a NEAT idea! Now I DO realize that you all have to be around the same size for it to work. AND you have to go into the party with "no hard feelings"rule. If I DONT find a shirt that I want to pick then I will try to get something else. But I also may decide that my shoes are the only shoes that fit and I can't part with them! ha! Me and my shoes...

Anyway, thats an idea that my friend came up with and I think its going to be awesome. THere will be about 5 of us which is the perfect amount. 

Just a thought.. maybe something that you'd want to try. It's a great way to get new items without spending a dime.

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