Friday, January 14, 2011

BUDGET tools!! Okay guys... I am a huge fan of Dave Ramsey. BUT... he is beginning to charge for things. It probably IS an almost deal to spend $90 bucks a year to have access to an online site that is like the CORE of Dave Ramsey's financial wizard mind...but when I look at trying to save money, I can't justify spending it. SO... go to You can print off ANY kind of sheet you can imagine. If you budget for the year, for the month, a weekly spending sheet, a monthly spending sheet, track your savings, debt pay off... they have it ALL for free. And lots of very cool links to help YOU budget and get your money back on track.

With my husbands permission of course, I plan to start taking you guys through OUR journey as we combine our finances (we haven't done that yet) and acquire each others pains, pasts, and payments. :) We own a business, I work on straight commission, we have debt, and we want OUT! Out of the bondage that holds us back SO... hopefully I have his permission to start you guys on that.

But I can TELL you that our journey started with talking about it, and with using this website. Or at least it WILL start with that when we get home and I can show my wonderful husband all of the "home work" we have to do this weekend.

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