Friday, September 14, 2012

don't know much about history...

Don't know much biology...

NOR do i know a lot about chemical advisory. :)

BUT, I do know a company that does... VALENCE GROUP!

If you are looking into investing in chemical related items or businesses, then you need to turn to an expert! If you are needing help finding a chemical investment bank that you can understand and comprehend--then chose Valence Group!

When we need our roof fixed we don't try to do it ourselves.. we call an expert! When our child is sick we don't just trust our own judgment...we call an expert!

Why should investing in your financial future be any different?

Unless you understand chemical mergers and acquisitions all on your own and need NO help, then please, call on an expert. Valence Group has experience. They are experts. they can offer sound advice when it comes to chemicals and investing in them.

SIDE NOTE: There is NEVER a better time to start investing in your future. Don't wait. You do NOT want to have to work the rest of your life. you want money there to support you when you retire. START NOW. Putting it off WON'T HELP!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The "Zero" budget

Dave Ramsey's "The Zero Budget" idea tends to stump some people. It's actually BRILLIANT! Let me explain...

Every dollar you have has a name. EXAMPLE. Your paycheck is $2000 a month. Your bills are as follows:

Rent/Mortgage: 1000
Electricity: 200
Water: 50
Cell phone: 100
Gas: 50
Insurance: 200

Okay so it looks like you have a LOT left over... BUT, if every dollar has a name then you have to break it down like this.

Food: X amount of dollars
Gas: X amount of dollars
Savings: X amount of dollars
Childrens clothes fund: X amount of dollars

And so on and so forth until the bottom of the page says:


That's the point. The point is not have "Extra' money. That doesn't mean you can't spend money on fun stuff. that means you BUDGET for it. You give X amount of dollars each month the name "SPENDING MONEY". It's OK to spend money, and go to the movies, and buy shoes... just give yourself an AMOUNT, instead of looking at your checkbook and saying "Hmmm.. i'll let myself spend X." WRONG! Give it a number, and give it a NAME!

THAT is how a Zero budget works! And get this... it really DOES work!

Pinterest project #2

First, I went to the Goodwill and bought a previously painted on canvas. (Wasn't it lovely with those flowers? Lol) Then I came home and painted it black.
Then in masking tape I spelled out AVA and a smily face
Then I let her go to town!
She and Jere painted like CRAZY!!! :)
Then I peeled off the masking tape and TADA! Here ya go! She is so proud of herself :) What a fun, family project!